Me, Kelly and Tina went to this NYU Garage Sale type thing. Anyway. It's all the furniture that NYU Dorms don't use and you can go and get whatever you want for free. So we needed a couple tables for the sewing machines we're getting but people take it really seriously so Tina needed back up. And some people were so rude! They wouldn't make room for Kelly on the elevator and then when Tina and I got off this lady was like "Yeah. Go back to the back of the line." HOW RUDE! But anyway. We got 3 long tables, a filing cabinet for patterns and fabric and a magazine rack. So yay us!
Then Tina was like "You guys want Starbucks? It's on 3rd North." So we went to Starbucks and I got my usual and we chatted with Tina and it was fun because I love Tina. And I got back and worked on some homework and talked to Lindsay and we went down to get some lunch. But I didnt' really eat any of it because it wasn't that good. But I got some yummy veggies and some frozen yogurt and granola so that made me happy. Then I checked my email and found out that I won the book club contest for Fred Flare [I recommended "Perks"] and I got a $50.00 gift certificate for there. So now I get to buy cute things and then visit Keith and Chris! Excitement!
So then I worked on some more homework and then me and Fab took a trip down Broadway to pick up one of my Writing I assignments. I did pretty well. It's not graded or anything but I got good comments on it. Fabi had to go to a class thing and I headed home and worked on homework more. I also talked to Kyle. He got the lead in the play. I'm really proud of him. I'm going to get a green zip up like his, and then when I'm home we're going to trade. To remind us of eachother. I also talked to Amanda for like an hour and that was nice because I haven't talked to her in forever and I miss her lots. And then Tina came up and I chatted with her for a while and she's going to have a Beauty Day with us on Sunday and she's going to do our hair and our nails and eyebrows and everything. So that's exciting. Plus we get to spend time with Tina. Me and her picked out hairstyles for the other girls. It was fun. But then she had to go so I worked on my homework even more.
Then I went downstairs to check the mail [my magazines STILL haven't come!] but my winter coat came and so did a package from Auntie Sandy! She sent me HK band aids and a HK key chain! So cute! And I LOVE my coat. So much. It's so me! So then Tina came back up and we talked some more and had good times. And I continued to work on my homework and then I sat and chatted with Fab and Lindsay while they ate dinner.

Yay coat!
After that, I FINALLY finished my homework for today. And then I talked to Kyle again and had some tea. And listened to Michael Bublé. And it was fabulous times. I hope my copy of Microsoft Word comes in tomorrow. Because I have a paper to write. And 30 pages to read from my art book. And 50 pages of The Epic of Latin America. But at least tomorrow we're all goig to Bed, Bath and Beyond. That'll be a nice break.
Well I'm off to bed! Night people! Send letters!
Much Love.
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