So me and Kaity talked about all our scandals and bobobebe problems and then Kelly woke up and we looked through my Delias catalog that came with my coat and talked about fashion. I taught her what Scene Kids are. It was amusing. And then Fab woke up and she looked at the clothes with us and we chatted and decided that next Friday we want to take the Staten Island Ferry so we can go to the Delias over there. Then I finished my 50 pages, got in the shower, and headed down to grab some lunch to go with Susan, Kelli and Juliana. After we finished eating we decided to head out to Bed Bath and Beyond to do a little house shopping.

So me and Fabi and Susan walked there and saw many cute shops on the way and we bought 2 lamps for the common room, some yoga mats, and various other items that were much needed. We took a cab back becaus we had so much stuff and then we rounded up the troops [basically we dropped off Fab and picked up Kelly] and headed out to Forever21 so Susan could return some shorts, I could get my green zip up, and Kelly could shop. On the way there we stopped in to see Chris and TK at Ricky's. And Chris was like "I wish someone had a camera. I'm feeling fabulous today." So duh. I had my camera with me and we took pictures with TK and Chris and promised we'd come back to visit them again tomorrow in the early afternoon to get our beauty makeover supplies with Tina.

That's a dinosaur I pass almost every day on the side of a random building. I named him George.
After our missions were accomplished I decided I wanted to write my paper for Monday tonite instead of waiting until tomorrow to do it because we have a lot going on tomorrow. We're going to brunch at the Palladium and then we have our beauty makeover day and one-on-one's with Tina. So that's a pretty full day right there. I checked my mailbox first though and I got MY LETTER FROM ANNE MARIE! IT CAME! I was SO excited! I'm writing her back tomorrow so I can send her letter, Kaity's and Natalie's and one for my dad out on Monday. And I got a letter from my Grandma that had a picture of LaMont [her neighbor in Flordia's pug dog] and some of our family and a pug dog bumper sticker. So that was really fun to get and I got my package of things from Claire's from my mom [I gave the brown bracelet to Fabi. She loves it.] So the I headed down to the computer lab and sat there until it was finished. Yay me!

The girls had all gone out to get some dinner and Kayla [whom I'm now referring to as Big Momma because she seriously REALLY looks after me] brought me some frozen yogurt. Yay Kayla! And so we all ate frozen yogurt in the kitchen and chatted and then I decided that I wanted to watch a movie. So me, Kayla and Susan watched She's the Man [Which brings back fond memories of Operation Destroy]. And then I finished my letter to Anne Marie and listened to some music while I waited for Kyle to call me after the concert he went to.
But now I'm off to bed. Tomorrow should be fun!
Much Love.
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