So I decide that I either NEED Starbucks before Latin American Studies or I just go home and skip because it's my least favorite class and I KNOW I would fall asleep and I sit in the front row. So I got to Starbucks. The line is all the way around the corner. Not even kidding. But I'm like "Okay. I NEED this coffee." So I wait it out. At 9:25 they're just taking my order [my class starts at 9:30] so duh. I'm panicing. But finally it's made and I practically RUN to Kimmel and make it just in time [though the elevator tried to shut on me. Fabulous]. So of course that class was boring and all I could think about was getting home and having to write my paper and read 200 pages for LAS.
So I walk home. And get really distracted because I didn't check my email in the morning. Then I ate a bagel. Then I looked at concerts that are coming. Then I went down to buy some Diet Pepsi. Then I checked my mail [I didn't have any. Boo.] Then around 3:00 I was like "Yeah. I HAVE to write that draft now." Let me tell you. It was SO hard. I spent hours and hours working on it and never finished. It's crap. I hate it. I don't know what to write. It's the worst thing I've ever writte and I'm thoroughly disapointed in it. But I did get to talk to Tina for like an hour or so and just hang out so that was nice. I really do love her. But I never finished my stupid paper like I had planned because I had to leave to go see Across the Universe with Lindsay and P.
Seeing Across the Universe was probably the only good thing about today. Because 1, I got to see it for free. 2, I got to see it with Lindsay and P. And 3, it was just flipping amazing. Like really people. It was so good. Not my all time favorite movie or anything. But still. The cinematography was genius. The music was amazing. Like I'm buying the soundtrack tomorrow. The guy that played Jude. Sweet mother of Jesus he was SO GOOD LOOKING. And he had an accent. Which is hot. Duh. But no. I'm like in love with him. No...I really am. Haha. And Evan Rachel Wood was fantastic as Lucy. It was just....just go see it. It's great. There's something for everyone in it. And the trippy parts were so cool. OH. And they're going to play Nightmare Before Christmas in 3D there throughout October. So that should be fun.
So then we walked home and I checked my mail again and I got a package from Auntie Sandy! It has puffy Hello Kitty stickers and a cute eraser shaped like ice cream in it! And of course there's a letter from her too. So now I must write her back STAT since I now have envelopes and stamps! And I got a package notice but the stupid mailbox office closes at 10:00 PM. And we got there at 10:09. And they wouldn't go open it up to give me my package! I was so angry. I'm not even expecting anything so now I"m going to die of anticipation. And it doesn't open until 10:00 tomorrow morning and I'll be in Brooklyn until like 11:30. So that sucked too.
Then I came upstairs to try and finish my paper but I was really stressed and I accidently yelled at Kayla and it really upset me that I got mad at her so I went in the bathroom and called Kyle and cried for like an hour. Yeah. Not so good times. Luckily Fab gave me a hug and we put up Halloween decorations and had some tea and then I felt a little better. So I sat with Tina on the couch and fell asleep in her lap until she had to go get Ricky. And now my paper is still unfinished and still sucking hardcore. And I'm flipping exhausted.
At least I have Fred Flare to look forward to tomorrow. Unfortunately I also have 200 pages from the Not-So-Epic of Latin America to read and a stupid draft to finish as well. I hate this day. Good thing it's over.

Hope everyone wore green in support of freeing the Jena 6. Peace.
Much Love.
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