Okay let me just say this. I FLIPPING LOVE PROFESSOR DIYANNI. He's so hilarious [which is a word that Susan says funny because she's from Long Island. Haha] but really. He's so funny! He makes the bible so entertaining and funny and he makes the whole class become...alive. Even though it's 8:00 in the morning. Like I can't even explain it. There's just something so fun about him. Anyway. The whole class gets really into it and it makes me feel like I'm really a college student. Because we're like, talking about the bible and I understand it. And I have professors. Not teachers. Haha. And the girl that sat next to me looked like Cory Kennedy. I wanted to tell her but I wasn't sure if she'd take that as an insult, of if she'd even know who Cory Kennedy was.
So then I headed over to Latin American Studies [my least favorite class in the whole world] but I knew it was going to be a better class because I got a chair that didn't have a broken desk. Haha. And Mike came in and we were talking about how ridiculous the homework was and I felt better to know that someone else thought it was mega time-consuming and he was like "Yeah, if you ever need help or anything I'd love to help you out." So that's reassuring. And it turns out the reason it was taking me so long was because I was taking WAY too extensive notes. So now it shouldn't be THAT bad. Plus Professor Daremblum for some reason thinks class gets out at 10:30 instead of 10:45 so we always get out 15 minutes early. HAHA.
So I checked my messages when I got out because I felt my phone vibrate and it's this message from Tina telling me that she's going to an open casting call for....THE SEX AND THE CITY MOVIE and do I want to come audition with her? ....wait...WHAT?! Duh! I wanted to go! So I rush over to Starbucks and get my usual [Tall non-fat latte with cinnamon] and then run over to the computer store to buy Word. Well the bad news was that they were on backorder. The good news is I ordered one and it should be in by the end of the week. So that was kind of a bummer. And then I had to walk back to the dorm in the rain but I had my cute red umbrella [ella ella eh eh] and I sort of enjoyed the walk back in the rain.
So I got home, went upstairs, got my homework, went down to the computer lab and wrote my revision for my Writing I class tomorrow. And it only took me an hour which isn't bad at all. And I sort of enjoyed it...? Haha I know right! And then I stopped to get some lunch to go and they had DELICIOUS FOOD! Including Strawberry Frozen Yogurt which I added granola to. SO GOOD! And I stopped by my mailbox and I had gotten 2 letters! One from my daddy [which talked and had stamps and a 20 dollar bill in it. Thanks Daddy! I love you!] and one from my bestest betch in the whole world! It was decorated all rainbow-y and as I've said a million times. I just love getting mail. But especially mail from my betch and my daddy!

So I went back upstairs and was going to change for the audition but then I realized I really liked what I was wearing so I just left it on and wrote my letters back to Nata-Lee-Ah and Kaity. And I ate my lunch. Again, SO DELICIOUS! And I reviewed Theogony and Works and Days by Hesiod for my Social Foundations class tomorrow morning. At 2:00 I went downstairs to meet Tina for the audition and Susan and Fabi came with us! We took the subway [which is always an adventure] down to Chelsea and it was really cool because I haven't gotten to spend a lot of time with Tina yet and she's super awesome. I was asking her about all her celebrity encounters. She used to do stuff for Disney when she was little and she was in a lice commercial with Hayden Pantierre and she was an extra in Cruel Intentions and Miss Congeniality. And she invited us to a Target audition next weekend so that's exciting! And the line was ridiculously long for the audition! It was a whole avenue block's lenght and then another street block! But we made the time pass by chatting about various things. Although there was this really sketch guy behind us who kept bothering Tina and it was just awkward. So the audition was cool and hopefully we all get something, but if not, it was worth it just for the people watching.

We took a cab back and then I came upstairs and mom called while I was finishing my letters to Kaity and Nata-Lee-Ah and I ate my leftover Strawberry Frozen Yogurt with granola. Then I worked on my Cultural Foundations homework for Thursday, which was finishing Genesis and unfortunately we're now done with the bible. I really did like it too!
OH! And I found out that Angie Meltsner [some of you probably know her, she goes to MSU and is obsessed with The OC like me] is coming to visit me September 28th-30th! Which is so soon! I'm really pumped because she'll be my first visitor and we're going to have an AWESOME time!
So after I worked on my Cultural Foundations homework, Tina came in and we had a nice little chat about a certain someone and a certain someones on the 13th floor as well. Let's just say...some people are in big trouble mister! Yeah. Someone thought it would be funny to put NAIR in Tina's HAIR CONDITIONER....WHAT?! Seriously. That's the meanest thing EVER! Luckily she smelled it and didn't use it but now she has like photographic evidence of all the sabotage that the 13th floor girls have done to her and the judcial NYU people are getting involved and let's just say this: BoboBebe's are going DOWN at Thursday's Floor Meeting. But yes. I love Tina. And the fact that she's going to take care of business for me. Because SOMEONE has been complaining a lot ever since they got here, and it's driving EVERYONE in the house CRAZY. So Tina told me that her freshmen year she had a complaining roommate and every time she complained Tina put a skittle in a giant jar and finally one day the girl was like "What are you doing? That's so annoying. Seriously." And Tina was like "See this? THIS IS HOW MUCH I DON'T CARE." And pointed to the jar. And the girl never complained again. So Tina said if after she talks to this person, they still complain a lot, that we should start a community jar until the person get's the point. In short. I love Tina.
So. We had our first scandal of the house today. Think back to cycle 5 of ANTM for a moment....now recall Bre and Nicole...now recall how Nicole stole Bre's granola bars. That's right. We have a total granola bar situation on our hands. SOME LITTLE BOBOBEBE STOLE THE REST OF MY HELLO KITTY AND CARE BEAR FRUIT SNACKS!! Seriously. I went to go get a package and I opened my drawer and they were gone. So I looked in my cupboard...and they were gone. And I was like "What the heck?" So I searched all the drawers and cupboards and they're gone. I AM PISSED. NO ONE messes with my Hello Kitty fruit snacks. And the part that bothers me the most, is that I totally would have shared had someone asked for them. BUT NO. They just had to go and steal them. And let me tell you, I WILL dump someone's Redbull down the bathroom sink if that's what it comes down to.
So then I chatted with Kaity. And Lindsay told me about meeting Kanye West which was SO awesome for her! And I hung out with my girrrrrrrrls Kayla, Lindsay, Susan and Fabi. And now I'm off to bed! Thanks for listening to me talk about my really fabulous AND scandalous day!

Much Love.
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