
"HOLD YOUR HOT SECOND!"-Chris, on being impatient with Jen.

I don't know why but today was a fabulous day. So I had to switch my schedule around a little bit. Because my professor for History of the Universe had like the world's worst rating on RateMyProfessors.Com But the good news is I coincidently switched myself in the same Lecture/Lab as Lindsay! HELLO LAB PARTNERS! So that's perfect. Then I had breakfast with Susan and Fabi before I had to go to work. I had pancakes and french toast sticks and yogurt and grapes. Yeah I had a massive breakfast. But I don't get to eat while I'm at work so I have to stock up.

Work was so good today. Nothing special happened it just went by so fast and I don't know. I just really enjoy my job. Diane taught me how to gift wrap and I love it. Then I packed some boxes, cleaned up the area and restocked some boxes and then it was Montly Cleaning Day. I Pledged like every hard surface in the whole warehouse, swept the floors and then I worked on the evil filing cabnet. I'm not even kidding you it took like half a bottle of 409 and Goo Gone to get that thing clean. But Keith and Chris kept saying how beautiful it looked. OH! And today I felt like a real employee finally because when Julie went to get everyone some snacks she asked me if I wanted anything. I don't know why. That just made me feel really official. Good thing I had my Sugar Free Red Bull to get me through the day though because with all the packaging and all the cleaning it was a tiresome one! But good nonetheless. And I gave Chris his Belated Birthday Mix and he loved it.

After work I went to Forever21 with Susan. I got some v-necked t-shirts for $5.00 and a cute brown hat because I don't have a brown hat. Then we came back here and got some food to go for tomorrow and some hot chocolate which I had with my Roxy cookie. Mmm! We talked with Kayla a while and then I emailed my mom back. I plan on doing a lot of magazine reading tonite since I don't really like to do a lot of homework on days that I work. It's just too hard. Plus I have a new Teen Vogue and my Hapar's Bazaar to catch up on.OH! And Kayla's mom sent me a cute little Hello Kitty necklace and bracelet. So sweet of her!

Well I'm off to do various things. GDCV! [Grace a dieu c'est Vendredi!]

Much Love.

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