
"OH OH OH! You would be Oops I Did It Again Britney!"-Kayla, on which Britterz I would be.

This is a uber brief entry. Only because I miss the blog so much. So yes. Here's a brief run down of what you all have been missing.

Work at Fred Flare. [So fun! I totes love Chris more and more everyday! Everyone calls me Little J. Like Gossip Girls!]
I was exhausted after work and it was raining a lot.
OH! And we had game night with Manny. It was HILARIOUS. We played Music Catch Phrase.
And I talked to Kyle of course.

We were supposed to go to Seaport but that didn't work out.
So me and Susan went to breakfast.
And then I layed in bed with Susan, Juliana, and Kelly and we watched The Notebook. So good!
We didn't get dressed all day.
Then it was off to the library with Lindsey and to Starbucks for Peppermint Mochas and Gingerbread Lattes.
I checked out my first books from the college library!
Then I read them most of the night and talked to Kyle.

Homework homework homework!
I've just been reading/researching for my paper all day.
But we ordered food in for dinner and I had a yummy soy burger! Mmm!
Then me, Kayla and Susan rocked out to Britterz for like 2 hours.
There's videos on facebook.
And Fabi made us hot chocolate!
But now I'm on the phone with Kyle. So I have to go.

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Me being Oops I Did It Again Britney

Here's some pictures of recent redecorating around the house:

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Have a nice night everyone!

Much Love.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

1. Please when I come to visit, take me to The Strand.
2. I love Kirsten Dunst. I just came to this realization recently.
3. I miss you tons.