
"I was reading this book that criticizes online communication. You know like Facebook, YouTube, MyFace..."-Prof. Diyanni, on...MySPACE not Face. HAHA.

Okayyyyyy. Today I wore my MKA heels. I don't know why. But my feet are NOT happy now. Haha. Anyway. Isn't that like the FUNNIEST Professor Diyanni quote ever? I laughed so hard. So did the whole class. OH! And during our Latin American Cultures presentations some other class was like listening to Opera music or something and we kept hearing it and even Professor Darenblum was CRACKING UP. It was so funny. I thought I was going to die from trying to hold the laughter in. And I ran into Lauren from LAC at Starbucks this morning. Love her. She had the CUTEST shoes on. Okay yeah that was really random.

In other news I had a supes long convo with my mom. Can't wait to see her on Saturday! And Legally Blonde is back on now that the strike is done! Yay! But then I had to go because I had to write my first draft of my Cultural Paper AND do 2 chapters out of my art history book. And I listened to all my Christmas music today. Especially the Hilary Duff one because duh. It's a classic.

OH. And they're now doing some sort of safety, can't enter the roof, security system thing. SO THE PEOPLE ARE WORKING FROM 9AM-3PM...EVERYDAY UNTIL IT'S DONE! UGHHHH. And they're so loud. And there's all these drills and stuff. So annoying when you're trying to do your homework. Boo. So yeah. It took me like a million hours to write my Cultural Paper because I just get so distracted!

Magic from last night!

So. I totally forgot to mention that last night I taught these two guys the word bobobebe. It was awesome. I called some lady a bobobebe to Fabi and these two men were like "What did you say? A bobobobobe?" And I was like "No. A bobobebe." And Fab goes "It's our nice way of saying bitch." And they were like "Dude. I'm using that one at work tomorrow." It was so funny. SO BESTEST BETCH, I'm still spreading the gospel of bobobebe.

Me and Susan went to check my mail and she got a box to go and then we watched New York Minute! Yay Olsens! After that I talked to my number one Betch and then I talked to Kyle. And now I'm off to go to sleep since I have work and the Fred Flare party tomorrow. AND MOM AND AUNTIE SANDY COMING SATURDAY! EEP!

Much Love.

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