In random news, I have now learned to tolerate pain because I refuse to wear nasty tennis shoes when walking around and I have about 80 million blisters from all my ballet flats. But hey. No pain no gain. And also everyone should check out the band Push Play. The singer from it, CJ, was on TRL when I was he sat in front of me [he had a faux hawk and was dressed in all black and white] and I've sort of become friends with the drummer, Derek, from the band because he goes to college only about 15 minutes North of my dorm. And he's pretty cool. Anyway their CD is coming out this winter and they're going to be big. Also they're friends with The Jonas Brothers [in case that interests anyone]. Oh and in other random news: Julianna, Sarah and Susan all went home for the weekend and Kelly is still in Germany so it's just me, Fabi, Lindsay, Kayla and Patricia in the penthouse this weekend. So it feels pretty empty.
I took some pictures of our living room/kitchen because a lot of people were asking about the Black Mold incident and even though our living room is still really plain I thought I might as well just take the pictures. As you can see we're using adds to wallpaper our living room so if you have some favorites send them along and we could always use more magnets for our fridge.
Overview of the kitchen.
Our practically magnet-less fridge.
The home of the infamous Black Mold fiasco.
The view from "my spot" in the kitchen. This is wear I hang out a lot. The view is fabulous and the counter is big enough for me to curl up there and drink my coffee in the mornings.
A good chunk of the living room.
Our across the window neighbor boys.
The new couches. Very similar to the old ones. But cleaner. Yay cleanliness!
The start of our wallpaper. It's going to be fabulous.
OH! And I found out today that the cast of Spring Awakening is going to be performing at the Gould Plaza Picnic [this is an NYU sponsored event]! So that's like...danggggg! So exciting! I really really want to see Spring Awakening but I'll have to go with my girls or something because my dad would HATE it. Also, the boys found our little surprise and left us one to wake up to this morning. We were all very amused [it's going to be a funny year with them.] We then discovered that another suite had read our message so now we're communicating with two different suites of boys. So we communicated all day with them through our window signs and decided we would meet them at Fyre and Ice tonite [it's like an ice cream party with music and such] so we left them a message that we would be the girls in the sunglasses at the party.
Me, Fab and Lindsay headed down to Union Square to check out the market there. I heard that a lot of famous people go to the green market on weekends but we didn't see anyone. I did see a lot of really cool art though. Like this picture of Audrey Hepburn in "Breakfast at Tiffany's" but in a completely different style!

And so we just walked around and checked out the scene and then we went into Forever21 again and I got this really cute silver dress for SUPER cheap. Loves it!

After that we headed over to this store called Strawberry and checked it out. It was alright I guess. Not really my style. By then Fab was hungry so all 3 of us walked to the Palladium and had some Linner...? Haha lunch/dinner. It was delish! We stopped by Ricky's and Chris and TK were working so we talked to Chris for a while and introduced him to Fabiola. But they still didn't have the Wellies in my size. Quel triste. So we headed back home and had some tea with Kayla and Patricia and all of us talked about the boys across the building and their signs to us. Me and Fab went in Kayla's room and hung out with her a while. I showed her my home box with all my pictures in it and Kayla showed us some of her pictures and then I showed Kayla The Potter Puppet Pals. Haha. "What is that mysterious ticking noise...." She thought it was hilarious. And Fabiola had a friend over, Mike I think was his name. He's a junior in Tisch and they hung out and I listened to some music and changed into my sweats and slippers because I felt like being comfy since Fyre and Ice wasn't until 8:00.

So we headed down to Fyre and Ice [Upstairs Lindsay, Downstairs Lindsay, Fab, Kayla, Sophie, Patricia and I] and we got our ice cream but there weren't many people there so we bailed and just sort of headed towards Union Square. We ended up chilling in Virgin for a good hour or two and we read magazines and had coffee in the cafe. Then we decided we were starving so we stopped at Food Emporium to pick up some late dinner and got home around 10:30.
After we were home we looked over and saw our window buddies in their window so we waved and that's when the fun started. They waved back and then pantamimed that they wanted our number so we wrote Kayla's phone number on a piece of paper and stuck it on the window but they couldn't read it so they used their camera [they're all film majors] to zoom in and called us. I told them to meet me in the East Tower lobby and I took them all up to the penthouse and we hung out for a couple hours. They're really cool guys. All film majors from a bunch of different places but it was crazy because they're so educated about film and they were all talking about directors and all this stuff that I was so clueless about! But they were really nice guys so we sat around eating chips and salsa and talking/half-watching 10 Things I Hate About You. It was fun to hear their little commentary. Then about half of them left so it was just us and Martin, Dean and Brett. They were really funny though and it was nice to hang out with some fresh faces. They were so jealous of our house and Martin kept saying we should throw a "Xanadu" themed party. Which actually would be fun in my opinion! They were all cool guys and I'm sure we'll see them again. Brett was pretty cute too. But he doesn't like Adam Brody at all. Boo.
Now it's about 1:00 in the morning so I'm heading to bed because I have to get up on the early side because Fab, Lindsay, possibly Kayla and I are heading down to Central Park in the morning to get some breakfast and then we're taking Fabiola to H&M [the GIANT like 80 million story one] FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER! I know right?! But I'll keep everyone updated on all my goings on!
Much Love.
1 comment:
You should try getting a pair of sketchers ballet style shoes. SJ has one and likes it very much.
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