
"Rule number one. NEVER open a frozen bottle of Diet Pepsi."-Cafeteria worker on the Pepsi Explosion I caused.

SUNSHINE DAY! EVERYBODY'S SMILING! SUNSHINE DAY! [Yeah I just quoted a Brady Bunch song. What's up.]

On top of the things just mentioned I also played badminton and frisbee in the common room with Fabi, Susan and Lindsay. Yeah. It was INSANE! We were like crying we were laughing so hard. And then me and Susan went to get food from the cafeteria and I was going to get some Diet Pepsi and I opened it because I was really thirsty and apparently it was frozen and it exploded all over me in front of like 40 people who were eating dinner. And I mean THE WHOLE BOTTLE exploded all over my shirt, my sweater, my jeans, my flip flops. Everywhere. It was embarrassing but highly amusing. AND AND AND! My MariƩ Digby CD came like 3 days ago, they forgot to give me a slip but I finally asked about it and now I have it! It's amazing! I can't wait to watch the DVD! And I saw the kid from my Life Science class that I see all the time and he waved at me. People were really friendly today. Must have been the AMAZING weather! But I'm outie [as Cher would say in Clueless].

Much Love.

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